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How To Write An Effective User Manual

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by ineccapmun1984 2020. 12. 8. 02:29


1. Determine which people you want to address

Your tone of voice is important in a user manual, or any manual for that matter. When addressing a first time user of a photo camera, your choice of words should differ from the words you use when writing for a pilot who already has much experience on different planes. A pilot need not be told what a overhead panel is. A first time user of a camera needs to know where to find the button with which to actually take a picture.

Writing Effective Policies and Procedures: A Step-by-Step Resource for Clear Communication by Nancy J. Campbell (AMACOM, 1998). Pretty basic, but a good checklist of steps for getting the manual written and used. How To Write An Effective Policies And Procedures Manual And Employee Handbook (Gene Levine Associates, 2000). Internet Sites. Jun 04, 2007 It is easy to jump into the user manual half way through a task. How to design individual pages in the user manual. In addition to effective instructing, the use of colour, the text and fonts used, and the icons and graphics can all either make for an easy experience or can derail the user. Here are some suggestions.

2. Make sure your information is complete

If you do not collect all the information available, your or our technical writers cannot be precise. Any user manual should be exactly that: precise. Telling the user that “your device needs regular cleaning” is simply not good enough. A user needs to know which are the intervals for cleaning his coffee machine. It is as simple as that, yet, examples to the contrary are still very common.

3. Take leading principles into account

At Manualise, we always take three main principles into account. These are Simplified Technical English (STE), minimalism and topic based authoring.

Simplified Technical English is a special kind of English that limits the number of words in a sentence and the number of words that you are allowed to use, thus leading to clear-cut sentences without ambiguity.

Minimalism is a principle that ensures that your user only reads relevant information in your user manual. Minimalism prevents a technical writer from explaining actions when in fact he should only be mentioning the actions to get things done. In minimalism, you do not tell that water is necessary to heat your building. You simply concentrate on the action how to turn on the boiler.

Topic based authoring leads to functional blocks of information instead of linear information, as can be found in a book. By using functional blocks, information can be reused easily, especially if you (or we) are using a content management system that is geared to technical documentation.

Users can absorb 25% more information as a consequence of bringing the three writing principles into practice. When creating a user manual, it is very important to keep ‘the three’ in mind.

4. Use imagery where possible

Manualise considers itself to be an expert in visuals. Our message is clear: if a picture tells you more than a 1,000 words, please use or create this picture! Technical illustrations are not only very effective, they also save you real money. After all, translation is no longer necessary.

5. Do not only take care of translation, but also of localization

What do we mean by “Do not only take care of translation, but also localization”? We mean, among other things (!), that we won’t write “1.000 words” in English, but “1,000 words”. Whereas we would write “1.000 woorden” in Dutch and not “1,000 woorden”. The difference between countries can be as small as a dot or a comma.

What is a User Guide? A User Guide explains how to use a software application in language that a non-technical person can understand. In general, user guides are part of the documentation suite that comes with an application for example, Data Sheets, Release Notes,Installation Guides andSystem Administration Guides.

Technical Writers will often create a Documentation Plan before writing their user guide. This defines the scope, size, delivery format and resources required to produce the actual user guide.

As the name implies, User Guides are written to help people understand an software application or IT system. They are also called User Manuals. When writing a User Guide, use simple language with short sentences. This writing style helps the user understand the application.

Our User Guide templates can be used to create user guides, user manuals, getting started guides and other types of technical documents. A User Guide is an online or printed book that describes how to use a software application.

User Guides are the first port of call when something needs to be read. As many people read user guides when frustrated and after having lost patience with the software, you need to write your material to address their concerns quickly.

User Guides are often written for non-technical individuals. The level of content and terminology differs considerably from, for example, a System Administration Guide, which is more detailed and complex.

This rest of article offers some guidelines to consider when writing your User Guide, such as:

  • Identifying your audience
  • Writing sections
  • Defining style guide and standards
  • Delivery formats

Identifying Your Audience

As with all types of writing, the first step is to define your TARGET AUDIENCE. Your target audience are the people who will user your document. As different readers have different requirements, you need to consider their specific requirements. Use this template to learn more about the target audience for your projects and what they want to achieve, for example, read your user guide, visit your website or buy your product.

The worksheets include 130 points you can use to capture demographic date so that you have a more holistic view of their wishes, desires, fears, and preferences.
  • Identify the target audience
  • Identify their level of technical knowledge
  • Identify how they will use the guide

Audience Definitions

How to write effective user guides

In the planning process, develop an audience definition that identifies:

  • The user
  • The system
  • The tasks

Software is used to do specific things. Users want to know what the software can do for them, for example, how to print a page in landscape.

They are generally not interested in the nitty-gritty technical details; they want to click a button and get a result. The User Guide is to teach them how the software helps them to do something.

Depending on the guide in question, you may need to address several audiences. For example:

  • Programmers who will troubleshoot the program
  • IT Managers who want to know the resources the program requires
  • Project Managers who want to confirm that the original requirements were met.

If you are writing for more than one audience, develop an audience definition for each one. Examine the definitions and see if you can address all audience types with one document. In many situations, you may need to write a number of documents, of which the users guide is only one.

  • When planning, use the audience definition to focus your decisions.
  • When writing, the audience definition serves as a guide for the documentation team and as a benchmark for evaluating the results.

Here are some questions that will help define your audience's needs:

  • Where will they use the document, for example, in the office, at home, in their car?
  • How much experience have they of using your application?
How to write a good user manual
  • Is this guide an upgrade to an existing application?
  • Is your application new? If so, you may want to include a Getting Started document to introduce the software.
  • How will they use the user guide?
  • Will they install the software by themselves or do so over the internet?
  • What level of detail is required?
  • Will graphics help their understanding of how to use your product?

Writing the User Guide

Each user guide is comprised of front page, body sections, and a back page. The following section describes what each of these needs to contain.

Front Page (cover pages)

Include a cover page, table of contents, and a preface, if necessary.

Cover and Title Page

If the user guide is copyrighted, include a copyright notice.

Copyright © 2020 The Name Of Your Company.

Place the copyright notice on the cover (and also the title page).


Include a standard disclaimer inside the front cover that outlines the Terms and Conditions for using this guide.


Use this section to reference other documents related to the software. Make sure you refer to the correct release number for all software and documents that you refer to. If necessary, include a section on 'How to use this guide' as an introduction.


You must include a table of contents. the only exception is if your guide is less than ten pages, in which case you should probably refer to it as a Getting Started guide or Reference Guide.

If this user guide is more than twenty pages, include an index at the end of the document.

Body of the guide

This is the heart of the guide. In the main body, separate the procedures (also called instructions) from reference materials. This will help the user navigate their way through the guide much faster.


Procedures help the user perform specific tasks. They are also known as instructions or tasks. Examples of these may include:

  • When, why, and how you can perform a task, for example, printing a document, cropping an image, uploading a file.
  • What the screen will show after you perform a task, for example, an updated view of your bank balance.
  • Examples of tasks and program operation.

Writing procedures

Writing procedures involves the following tasks:

  • Identifying the major tasks
  • Separating each major task into subtasks
  • Writing a series of steps that walk the user through each subtask
  • Using an 'if-then' approach when explaining decisions that users can make.

Chunking text

Breaking large pieces of information into smaller piece of information is called 'chunking.'

When writing user guides, you can separate information by menu options and their respective consequences, for example, showing the user the results of each action.

Subtasks that need to be performed can be divided into chunks. Each chunk can form a new chapter or section within the guide.

Use a consistent format for each section, for instance:

  • Introduce each section with an overview of the task to be performed
  • Describe the inputs and outputs. In other words, what the user must enter into the system and what the system will do as a result.
  • Describe the procedures for accomplishing these tasks.

Number your steps

When writing procedures, number each step and use the imperative form of verbs, for example:



Click 'Yes' and press ENTER to submit your details.

Using the If-Then Approach

How To Write An Effective User Manual Free

When users are allowed to make decisions, use an If-Then approach to show the different result for each decision they make.

If you choose 'Yes,' the program will make Firefox your default web browser. If you choose 'No,' it will set Opera as your default browser.

Use diagrams to illustrate more complicated procedures.

How To Write An Effective Manual

Reference Materials

User turn to reference material when they need detailed information on a specific topic, for example, settings or parameters they must enter.

Reference materials can include:

  • Program options, for example, different menus and buttons that are presented to the user
  • Keyboard options, for example, hold AltGr and 4 to show the Euro symbol
  • Error messages that may arise when you use the application
  • Troubleshooting tips to resolve these issues

How To Write Instruction Manual

  • Frequently asked questions that the user may have about the software

Back Matter

Add a Glossary of Terms and an Index towards the end of the document.


The glossary should cover all acronyms and industry terms used in the document. Help the user understand your material. Do not alienate them by using jargon and assuming that they know the meaning on these words.

https://gubarrebti.tistory.com/4. Downloadable Nikon manualsHere you can download user manuals for Nikon's SLR and DSLR cameras and Speedlights in format.We revise this section as new downloads and official Nikon resources become available.Gas pipes that we saw on the 3rd ANPAT in downtown Winnipeg on our way to the Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada.Nikon F5 Tokina AT-X Pro II 28-70/2.8 B+W UV, Fujichrome Sensia II at ISO 100. For other languages please scroll down Film SLRsPro DSLRsDSLRsSpeedlights.Vintage Speedlights.(R1 / SU-800 / SB-R200).UPDATE. You may need to register your product in the web page for the country of purchase or residence to obtain a printable copy. Bgs 2003.Direct Links to User Manuals in English, some not printable.

  • A short glossary can appear at the front before the table of contents
  • A larger glossary should appear in the back matter.

Highlight glossary terms (by italics, for instance) the first time they appear in text.


Any guide longer than 20 pages benefits from an index. An index helps users locate specific items very fast without having to search through the entire document manually. Large documents without an index are impossible to use efficiently.

Establishing Standards

As well as writing the guide, you also need to consider how the document will be delivered, for example, as a book, online or a PDF.

Areas that need consideration include:

  • Format (the design and layout of the pages)
  • Style (elements affecting readability, such as font, size, color)
  • Other requirements that are specific to each delivery format. For example, PDFs may need security settings applied so material cannot be copied; partner logos may need to be added; terms and conditions may need to be updated.

Document Format and Structure

If you are writing a user guide for a client, rather then your own company, check if they use a specific style guide or have a preference for how the document should be presented. Check this with the client during the planning phase.

Use a document map to organize the guide. To do this:

  • Use headings for organizing information.
  • Include page numbers and section titles on every page, either in footers or headers.
  • Consider using dual columns. This lets you put headings in the left-hand column and the text in the right-hand column.


Use an appropriate style. Decide on the technical level of your language, how you address the user, and conventions that are required.

Technical Language

Match the level of technical language with the audience ¯s level of proficiency. Always underestimate the knowledge of your readers rather than overestimate it.

Limit technical terms to those the user will encounter. If you must define a large number of terms, use a glossary to supplement definitions in the text.

Addressing the User

When writing procedures, use the active voice (e.g. Click this) and address users directly (write 'you' rather than 'the user').

When explaining an action, use the 'command' form of the verb:

'Choose an option from the menu and press [ENTER].'

Presenting your material

You can improve the readability of your documents by using specific formats to distinguish different types of information.

For example, you can distinguish the user's input from the system's response by:

  • Indenting text
  • Using columns to layout text
  • Providing illustrations or photographs that highlight key areas
  • Using different fonts and type features (bold, italics and underline)

How To Write A Good User Manual

Nonverbal devices, such as icons or diagrams, help supplement verbal instructions.

Special Requirements

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If the guide is to be used outdoors, in a car, or on the move, make sure the font size is large enough to read easily.

How To Write Effective User Guides

Use spiral biding so the book does not to break easily, and high-quality paper so the text does not smudge or leave stains on the reader's hands.

How To Write A Good Software User Manual

PS - Download the User Guide Templates here